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Need advice as regards EQ3 PRO synscan goto mount taking a 12 inch telescope

Need advice as regards EQ3 PRO synscan goto mount taking a 12 inch telescope

Sun Oct 04, 2020 8:54 pm

I am looking at the moment into buying a new telescope a 12 inch either refractor or another reflector where i can go between both observing and astrophotography what i am wondering is would the EQ3 Pro synscan goto mount be able take a 12 inch refractor or reflector telescope weight?

Do i i need to go for something like another EQ PRO synscan mount such as a HEQ5 to take the weight of something bigger ?

I am looking into getting rid of in the future my 6inc newtonian reflector and go for a new telescope, i cannot keep old mount that is broken nor the telescope due to lack of room in my parents house.

Also i have gone back into researching the different mirrors followed by pros and cons of things i need to watch out for when comes to doing both observing and astrophotography if i need a bask mask aswell to go on back of reflector or refractor when comes to astrophotography.

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